The Charity of Hervey and Elizabeth Ekins
Registered Charity Number 309858
Application form for a grant for an individual aged 18 or above
The Trustees provide educational grants to young people, who are under the age of 25 years (and in special circumstances to those under the age of 30 years), and resident in the Borough of Northampton or the Parish of Great Doddington. The person must have been resident in the area for not less than three years or have attended a publicly funded school in or serving the area for not less than one year. In addition, you must be resident in the UK for tax purposes. Applicants need to demonstrate that they are in need of financial assistance.
Preference is given to those who live in the ecclesiastical parishes of Weston Favell. Abington and Emmanuel, Northampton. The Trustees meet six times per year, usually in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November, to consider applications.
Please complete this form as fully as possible to assist the trustees in considering the application. A supporting report is also required from a leader of the organisation of the activity or institution for which you are applying for funding, and this should be uploaded below or returned with the application.
In completing the form you are giving consent, as a lawful basis, for processing the data that you provide. It is only used for the charity’s trustees to consider your application. Application forms are retained by the charity’s clerk until a decision is taken on the application and notified to the applicant.
Application forms must be signed by the applicant and if using post returned to Damian Ockard, the Clerk to the Trustees, at or post to St Peters Church Hall, High St Weston Favell, Northampton NN3 3JX. Alternatively please fill in the form below or register interest in a grant here.